Friday, March 29, 2013

Last years goal

2012 I gave myself a pretty easy goal.  I wanted to get a picture of Leo and I on a hike/walk in every season.  I wanted to do this in multiple places and i did but the best result turned out to be from our very own backyard trail.  Walney Park has been a little get away for the Gee family for many years.  This park actually showed the seasons the best.  I have most of my pictures on Instagram so they are not the quality I would really like but sometimes you need a lot of quantity to make a series of photos like this work.

The first picture is just a quadrant set-up with each season shown in a 1:1 cropped image.

The second image is a little more portrait tiling.  I like this one too but for different reasons.
2013 is filled with more goals and more hikes.  There will be much more to show off and I just cant hold this to 140 characters or 500 friends.

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